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selenium Training


Selenium is a set of tools which supports instant development of test automation for web based applications. It has the option of record/playback tool for writing tests without a need of test scripting language . It supports multiple browsers and multiple platforms .It also provides a Domain Specific Language

selenium Course Modules


  • What is automation testing?
  • What is Selenium?
  • Different flavors of Selenium
  • Selenium-Grid


  • What is the use of automation testing?
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • IDE
  • Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0


  • What we need to Automate?
  • What is the difference between Selenium and QTP ?
  • Selenium-RC


Selenium IDE

  • Installing Selenium IDE
  • Selenium IDE icons
  • Recording your first test with Selenium IDE
  • IDE Context Menu
  • Assert
  • Verify
  • Adding Selenium IDE comments
  • Synchronization commands
  • Working on pages with AJAX
  • Storing elements
  • Creating test suites
  • What you cannot record


  • Tools to identify elements/objects
  • Firebug
  • IE Developer tools
  • Google Chrome Developer tools
  • Locating elements by ID
  • Finding elements by name
  • Finding elements by link text
  • Finding elements by XPath
  • Finding Elements by using CSS
  • Summary

Some Special IDE Commands

  • GoBack
  • Refresh


  • Enterkey simulation
  • MouseOver


  • Highlight
  • Write your own Selenium IDE script without record and playback


Selenium Remote Control

  • What is Selenium Remote Control
  • Download selenium RC
  • Installing selenium RC
  • Starting selenium server from Command prompt
  • Stopping selenium server from Command prompt and Browser
  • Running selenium scripts/tests from Command prompt using selenium RC
  • Report generation for selenium scripts

Java Basics

  • Installing Java
  • Installing Eclipse
  • Features of Java
  • Why Java for Selenium
  • First Java program
  • Data types in Java
  • String class
  • if statements
  • Conditional and concatenation operators
  • Reading Properties File in Java
  • Concept of jar file


  • While Loop
  • For Loops
  • Practical Examples with loops
  • Usage of loops in Selenium
  • Creating Objects in Java
  • Local Variables
  • Global Variables
  • Why is main method static?
  • Constructors
  • Log4j API for Logging


  • Concept of Inheritance
  • Example on inheritance
  • Interface
  • Overloading and Overriding Functions
  • Creating Packages
  • Accessing modifiers Public, Private, Default, Protected
  • Exception handling with try catch block
  • Final and Finally
  • Usage of Log4J in Selenium

Selenium RC using Eclipse:

  • Set up Selenium RC in Eclipse using JUnit
  • Starting Selenium RC from eclipse
  • Stopping Selenium RC from eclipse
  • Start and stop selenium RC from Selenium Script
  • Converting Selenium IDE tests to a programming language(JAVA)


  • Running Selenium script in Different Browsers with Eclipse and JUNIT.
  • Writing Selenium tests from scratch using JUnit FrameWork
  • JUNIT Annotations
  • JUNIT Methods
  • Frequently used Selenium commands
  • Syntax of each command
  • Test Suites using JUNIT
  • Parameterized test cases using JUnit framework
  • Report Using ANT Build and JUNIT

Sample Programs in RC for:

  • Text box
  • Link
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • Radio Button
  • Drop Down Box
  • Capture screen shot(positive)
  • Capture screen shot(with failure)
  • Page scroll down
  • Handle alerts
  • How to read values from excel sheet.
  • Create a JUNIT suite.


  • Reports
  • Tool tip.
  • Handling multiple windows.
  • Selenium with regular expression.
  • Handling https sites.


TestNG FrameWork

  • How to Install TestNG plugin in Eclipse?
  • TestNG sample script
  • Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
  • Creating Test suites using TestNG
  • Reports generation using TestNG


  • Why WebDriver?
  • Downloading WebDriver Jars configuring in eclipse
  • Architecture of selenium WebDriver
  • Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, iPhone, Android etc
  • What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?
  • Sample programs in WebDriver
  • Text box
  • Link
  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • Drop Down Box
  • Select value
  • Display all values
  • Select values step by step
  • Capture screenshots
  • Synchronization Commands In Web Driver
  • Implicit wait
  • Explicit wait
  • Web Driver wait
  • File uploads
  • Handel on load alerts
  • Keyboard actions
  • Mouse actions
  • Handling Iframes
  • Handling multiple tabs
  • Handling popups
  • Handling Web Tables and Dynamic Web Tables
  • Web Driver with TEST NG Frame Work
  • Batch Running Test cases using TestNG
  • Datadriven Framework with WebDriver
  • XSLT Report Generation
  • Database testing using Web Driver
  • Overview of Flex and Flash
  • User Defined Framework With Implementation

Interview Questions on

  • Selenium IDE
  • Selenium RC
  • Selenium WebDriver and Automation Testing

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